Mar 19, 2009

The three Bs

The three Bs are the three types of things you should try to avoid reading or writing at all costs. They are:
  1. Banal
  2. Blasphemous
  3. Belligerent
Banal is the opposite of interesting. It is boring to the extreme, pointless, and un-informative. Definitely not worth your while.
Blasphemous is the opposite of informative. It requires more explanation as I've twisted the meaning somewhat. What I mean is not caring what the facts really are, and simply heckling people with insults and accusations of lying. Doing anything to win the arguement generally falls under this
The last one is Belligerent, the opposite of inspirationa. This category is the deliberately annoying, insidous, parasitical stuff, which is actually extremely rare. Most things you would think are Belligerent are actually Banal or Blasphemous. It is the intent that makes this category the worst.
Of course, it doesn't really matter whether something is Banal, Blasphemous or Belligerent; as soon as you identify it as one of these, run. Or rather, stop reading. Actually, stop writing it if that's the case.

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